The Reef Futures 2022 Planning Committee is aware that the current wave of COVID-19 still presents some degree of risk, despite its reduced severity. To enable access for anyone who still may not be able to attend the in-person event, plenary sessions will be live streamed on the CRC Facebook page. Concurrent sessions will be recorded and made freely available after the symposium on the CRC website. As part of the symposium's commitment to narrow the gap in access, our goal is to make the information presented at Reef Futures freely available and accessible to anyone interested, regardless of location or socio-economic means to participate.
Reef Futures 2022 will follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for in-person gatherings and will adhere to the laws of the state in which it is being held. We encourage self-evaluation and testing, and will make masks freely available for all attendees; the networking events and meals will be held outside, as possible.
The Reef Futures 2022 Planning Committee has not arrived at this decision lightly. We encourage all participants to decide for themselves their level of comfort relative to their level of participation.