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P.C. Coral Restoration Foundation

Pacific Islands Region

The Pacific Islands Regional group is the culmination of two preceding interactions of restoration practitioners, researchers, and management agencies working on coral restoration; a workshop hosted by the University of Guam and an in-person workshop at Reef Futures 2022 led by NOAA. Outcomes of both called for greater regional connectivity and coordination.


The group is working to support the rapidly growing restoration community in the Pacific Islands and encourage multi-agency collaboration and cooperation within jurisdictions so that knowledge, experience, and resources can be shared.

Rainbow colored world map

Geographical Area of Focus: American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI), Guam, Hawaii, Independent Samoa, Palau, Fiji

Restoration in the Region

Learn More

The Pacific Islands Regional Group is always looking for new members. Come collaborate with us today!

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What we are working on

To provide a platform for all members to share best practices, technical support, information, and discussion, such that capacity for meaningful and successful coral restoration in the region is expanded

•    To facilitate proactive and responsive capacity among members to island, jurisdictional, and/or regional events impacting coral reefs

•    To improve capacity to garner funding for restoration activities among members


The areas of focus are collecting and highlighting research and restoration efforts from the Pacific Islands. Accomplishments, lessons learned, and strategies for regional interventions (i.e. bleaching stress) are commonly discussed within the group.

P.C. Coral Restoration Foundation

Meet the Pacific Islands Regional Group Leadership Team

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Laurie Raymundo

Shannon Ruseborn

Co- Chair


University of Guam Marine Laboratory

NOAA Office of Habitat Conservation/Restoration Center

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